Technical Support
Efficient solutions for common technical issues for live scan providers.
- Why are my prints red color?
- What is "Job Title" on the Request for Live Scan form?
- Can the applicant use an AB60 / AB 60 driver's license?
- Can we do a Live Scan for TSA Hazmat applicants?
- Can I swipe an Out-Of-State I.D.?
- On CScan, where do I enter the passport number?
- What should I do if the transaction was entered without the agency Billing Number?
- What do I do if the billing number on the live scan form is showing as invalid?
- If there is no OCA on the form, do I need to put something where the OCA belongs?
- Can I use a Mexican Matriculation card?
- If a person has a cast on do I annotate the fingers amputated?
- Can I roll my own fingerprints for the certification?
- If the tip is amputated, do I still roll the finger?
- Can the initial response (letter with no state seal and signature) I received from the DOJ Visa/ Immigration Unit be used from my Apostille process?
- I can't find or type an ORI in CScan program?
- If the information on CScan when I enter the ORI isn't matching the form, would that make the ORI incorrect?
- What do I do if I forget to request an FBI check or make any data entry mistakes on the Live Scan form?
- If I have submitted a transaction, can I still make edits to the transaction?
- If there is no application type on the Live Scan form what do I put?
- CScan is not letting me continue to the next finger, how can I get it to work?